
HAZOP Manager

Version 7.0


Program Overview - Action Tracking

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Hazop Study Response Screen
The Action Response
section of a data file
  • As completed Action Sheets are returned, the responses are input into the main data file for the study.  If Action Documents had been distributed as described at the foot of the previous page, then this input into the data file would be automatic.  At any time the study data file may be interrogated, and a listing produced of all overdue responses.
Click image to view illustration.
Hazop Study Further Action Sheet
A 'further action required'
Action Sheet
Click image to view illustration.
Hazop Study Response Review
A response requiring
further action
  • Periodically a review of responses is carried out.  Where an action is considered to have been satisfactorily completed, the entry in the data file is marked accordingly.  If, however, in a small minority of cases the response has been less than adequate, or has raised other issues that need to be addressed, the action is marked as outstanding (even though an initial response has been received).  Details explaining the reason/s for not accepting the response are entered into the data file, and the program is used to generate a further Action Sheet or Microsoft® Word Action Document.
Click image to view illustration.
Completed Hazop Action
A completed action
  • When responses are received relating to the above mentioned 'further actions', a review would be carried out as to whether the situation had now been satisfactorily resolved.  If not, another 'further action' would be produced as outlined above, and the process of distribution, return and review repeated until the matter is finally resolved.  At any time the data file may be interrogated, and a listing produced of all outstanding (i.e. incomplete) actions.

You will note from the above the importance that is given to providing a robust and comprehensive action tracking and close-out system.  To conduct a Hazard and Operability Study (Hazop), a Process Hazards Analysis (PHA), Hazard Identification (HazId), Risk Assessment or FMEA Review almost always involves a significant investment in terms of man-hours and effort.  Yet, if the actions generated are not satisfactorily completed, this investment would in effect be either partially or totally wasted.

It can be appreciated from the above brief summary that the HAZOP Manager program provides the means to record and manage all stages of a study, from original preparation through to the completion of the last action.  The data file produced will be a comprehensive repository of information, containing actions, responses, dates and details of implementation, references to external information, and so on.


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